"Some things [fellow commissioners] have said have crossed the line of civility and respectful discourse." Michael Powell, Chairman FCC
Shame on those who raise their voices
drowning out the ego of poor Michael Powell.
Interesting isn't it, how shielded they
get when they actually think they are so damn important. Respect comes to those who earn it, not
demand it. Sorry, but my Harry Truman-George Patton is showing. For
those to young to know, both spoke the language of the streets and it
wasn't rap then.
In five years, not once did this
Washington big shot offer respectful discourse to
those of us questioning his deregulation of the media. He
treated us like nobody's, giving his time instead to those he feels
more comfortable with - the financially fixed. Now his own
arrogance has crossed the public's line of civility
and look who's calling the kettle black.
This chairman, known for his
inability to work with and/or get along with others, continues to
blame everyone else for his own shortcomings. His apple falls far
from the tree of his seemly diplomatic father. Powell2 is a
lightweight who could never have been considered for a big paying
government job at the Department of Justice or the Federal
Communications Commission were it not for affirmative action. He
has no appreciation of those who don't march to the
beat of his drum.
His two rubber stamps, one who's wife
works for the vice president and the other who hasn't done or
said anything of value since becoming a commissioner, thankfully
won't be at the FCC forever.
After all, delivering as they have, they expect at least some offers as board members at media companies. The three of them are doing exactly what their masters in the republican party have ordered them to do. Gingrich's republican rout collected millions for enacting Telecommunications 1996, with no public discourse. Now media barons expect to take possession of the remainder of what they bought and paid for.
The regulatory agency charged with
overseeing the media also serves as a "safe house" for those
in between media jobs. The evidence clearly shows conflicts
of interest in government and chairman Powell pretends to be
above it all. He hob nob's with the scoundrels he's supposed
to be watching over.
Neither of the Powell's will explain
how they saw no conflicts when the son approved the AOL-TIME Warner
merger while his father collected lucrative payments as a board member
of the merging companies.
The White House pretends to be
outraged with the Enron's and the World Com's. The FCC says payola
is illegal, except when Bush's Clear Channel buddies need it to
pay down debt. Or, when it finds its way into the pockets of our
elected officials.
IT'S A DISGRACE ! Regardless
of the vote today, exposure of dishonest employees paid
a good wage with benefits most don't have, will continue with
even more fervor. Chairman Powell spouts off like no employee
should to their employer.
After 30 years of being a contributor
and a member of the Republican party, I quit.
My anger at chairman Powell equals my
disappointment in myself. For years it's been said Republican's
only favor the wealthy. Democrats represented the disadvantaged,
those who can't afford to pay for representation in their government.
Damn they were right!
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